Donations support innovative approaches and impactful local initiatives.

It is the responsibility of each individual to support and make the improvements they want to see in the world. We encourage you to consider what that means for you right now.

In our 10-year history, the scope of our work has been confined by whatever money we can individually contribute. The next 10 years of Problem Library depends on a larger community of support coming around the organization to ensure what it needs to continue to improve without compromise.

Monthly donations enable us to plan more effectively, ensuring the development and expansion of our programs. By making monthly donations, you commit to our cause long-term and play a crucial role in our organization’s future.

Your donation is a financial contribution and a statement of belief in our mission. It is an investment in the future of our community and a pledge to support the transformative power of art and education.

We hope you will join us.


Problem Library is a registered 501(c)-3 non-profit.
All donations are tax deductible.
Our EIN is 82-3793366.